The Elusive Earl $25 Amazon Giveaway

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$25 Amazon Gift-Card Giveaway!


To celebrate the cover reveal and the upcoming release of THE ELUSIVE EARL a $25 AMAZON gift card is up for grabs on my Facebook Author page:
A big thanks to my publisher Entangled Publishing, LLC for offering this awesome prize to the lucky winner!!


Brianna Penderley has a knack for getting into precarious situations, especially when it comes to her love for archaeology. In the heart of Naples, her terrible Italian has her accidentally becoming engaged to two men at the same time. Of course, Daniel Wolcott—the Earl of Thornton and the only man ever able to vex her—shows up to rescue her.

Daniel has spent the majority of his life exercising rigid control over his emotions, determined never to become the rake his father was. But when he goes to aid his mentor’s danger-prone niece once again, he finds himself struggling to control his attraction to a woman who is his complete opposite.

When their situation goes from bad to worse, Daniel and Brianna find themselves swept up into a perilous adventure, and they must work together to set things right. Now, if they can just avoid killing each other in the process.

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To be in the running to win the $25 Amazon gift-card, all you have to do is comment on the giveaway post on my Facebook Author page (link at the top of this post and shares will be super appreciated)! The contest will close on Friday 10th Aug at 5pm US ETD, and the winner will be drawn randomly later that night, and the name posted on my Facebook Author page.


The Elusive Earl – New Title & Cover Reveal

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The Elusive Earl – New Title & Cover Reveal

Whoo Hoo! I can finally reveal the cover for book 2 in my Saints & Scoundrels series, and it’s had a name change too!

Without further ado, here is the cover reveal for THE ELUSIVE EARL, scheduled for release on the 27th August, but available for PRE-ORDER NOW!

Isn’t the cover great! It’s completely in theme with The Devilish Duke and works so well with it!


So what is The Elusive Earl about exactly? Well, let me tell you…

Romancing the Stone, meets Pride and Prejudice!

Brianna Penderley has a knack for getting into precarious situations. In the heart of Naples, her terrible Italian has her accidentally becoming engaged to two men at the same time. Of course, Daniel Wolcott—the Earl of Thornton and the only man ever able to vex her—shows up to rescue her.

Daniel has spent the majority of his life exercising rigid control over his emotions, determined never to become the rake his father was. But when he goes to aid his mentor’s niece once again, he finds himself struggling to control his attraction to a woman who is his complete opposite.

Then Brianna’s cousin is kidnapped by mercenaries seeking King Aleric’s lost treasure—and they claim Brianna’s family has the key. Daniel knows he can’t leave her side, as much as he might want to. And she’s determined not to lose her heart to such an icy, infuriating man.





My 2nd Book – The Fiancé Fiasco is coming soon!

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My 2nd Book – The Fiancé Fiasco is coming soon!

Whoo Hoo! The Fiancé Fiasco is now scheduled for release on the 27th August 2018…

I was so thrilled to discover this morning that my second novel, The Fiancé Fiasco is now scheduled for release in only 3 months time!! Squee!! On the 27th of August the book will be released by my fabulous publisher Entangled, and I can’t wait for you all to read Sophie’s brother Daniel’s story.

So what is The Fiancé Fiasco about exactly? Well, let me tell you…

Romancing the Stone, meets Pride and Prejudice!

Brianna Penderley has a knack for getting into precarious situations. In the heart of Naples, her terrible Italian has her accidentally becoming engaged to two men at the same time. Of course, Daniel Wolcott—the Earl of Thornton and the only man ever able to vex her—shows up to rescue her.

Daniel has spent the majority of his life exercising rigid control over his emotions, determined never to become the rake his father was. But when he goes to aid his mentor’s niece once again, he finds himself struggling to control his attraction to a woman who is his complete opposite.

Then Brianna’s cousin is kidnapped by mercenaries seeking King Aleric’s lost treasure—and they claim Brianna’s family has the key. Daniel knows he can’t leave her side, as much as he might want to. And she’s determined not to lose her heart to such an icy, infuriating man.


I cannot wait until I get the cover art for this one! I shall be so excited to share it with you all 🙂


Whoo Hoo! The Devilish Duke is Available!!

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Whoo Hoo! The Devilish Duke is Available!!

Yay! It’s RELEASE DAY!! My book baby is finally out in the world… Surreal is the only word that comes to mind!!

If you haven’t already grabbed yourself a copy, click on the links below to grab one 🙂




Check out these AMAZING Reviews…

“What a marvelous debut novel, by a new author to my must read authors list, her name is Maddison Micheals. And the Book title is The Devilish Duke. From the wonderful cover to the recommendations and the description, I knew I was in for a wonderful reading experience. The Handsome Devlin the hero and Lady Sophie the heroine just made this historical romantic tale a must read and a keeper. I stayed up two nights in a row and nearly missed an appointment to finish this page turner.” – Patrica Liebe


“Ms. Michaels weaves an engrossing tale… Told with mystery, angst, romance and sensual scenes.
This is not-to-be-missed.” – Amary Chapman


“The Devilish Duke is one of those books which have everything, romance, intrigue, suspense, mystery, rakish hero, independent and strong heroine, and a lot more. It’s a really well-written historical fiction, the kind of book which has the ability to make you fall in love with the genre. I genuinely enjoyed reading it, especially because of the characters. They are all amazing and fun to read about.”wrecked_life


“I absolutely loved this book. The character were likeable and well developed. The sass from them had me grinning from ear to ear at times. The murder and mystery had me so consumed, I finished this book in just three days!” – Simone Ventura-wharton


“One afternoon, one book! This was one of the quickest reads this year so far because I loved Devlin. It’s such a well written story with a good mix of passion, blue stocking ideology, love of the poor etc… Well written. Worth reading!” – Eva


“I thoroughly enjoyed this engrossing debut novel which was very accomplished, there was everything you could want in a historical romance, mystery, murder, humour, a tortured gorgeous hero, a determined heroine & of course romance. I’ll be impatiently awaiting the next novel.” – Janet


” A great fast paced story filled with mystery, intrigue and sizzling romance to keep things extremely interesting. 5 STARS!!!” – Debbie Glenn Brown


“Absolutely captivating and witty, The Devilish Duke by Maddison Michaels was a great historical romance! I loved it, couldn’t put it down. She had me from the very first chapter, this book was engaging and entertaining. It had me laughing out loud, but it was also heartfelt and at times suspenseful. I think Maddison did an excellent job bringing these characters and their story to life.” – Up All Night With Books


“The Devilish Duke was a fantastic read and I enjoyed it from beginning to end. This book has it all; romance, wit, humour, danger, mystery and suspense – lets just say there was never a dull moment.” – P Leslie


“A marvelous debut novel for Maddison Michaels!!! Skillfully plotted and full of romance and a mystery to be solved, I really could not put this one down.” – Lori


“This is an incredible story! It is heart poundingly scary! It is an Awesome Romance, it is a Wonderful First Book!” – Carol Bisig

Paperback Giveaway

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Paperback Giveaway!

As an exclusive for my Newsletter Subscribers I am giving away a signed copy of The Devilish Duke.


All you have to do to win, is make sure you’re signed up to receive my newsletter (see the signup bar under my banner above) and click on the rafflecopter giveaway link. The Giveaway is open to all of my Australian and International subscribers!!


<a class="rcptr" href="" rel="nofollow" data-raflid="4bb6d03c2" data-theme="classic" data-template="" id="rcwidget_oqp7zu3c">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><script src=""></script>



The winner will be announced in my release day Newsletter next Monday 26th February

OMG My Book Babies Have Arrived!

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My Book Babies Have Arrived!

I was soooo exited when I received my box of books last week! And my goodness, it was such an exciting and surreal moment when I opened them up and physically held my book for the first time – particularly as it’s been a dream of mine since I was young. So I wanted to share the moment with you all, especially for those of you not on Social Media 🙂


And to celebrate receiving my Book Babies, I’m giving away a signed paperback copy to one of my Newsletter Subscribers, and even better it’s open Internationally! So be sure to subscribe to my newsletter at the top of the page and check out the giveaway page to be in the running: