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Interview with Annie Seaton
Annie’s Path to Publication
Today I chat with the wonderful Annie Seaton, multi-published author, who shares with us her path to publication. Her upcoming novel ‘Whitsunday Dawn” is scheduled for release on July 23 2018!
Annie lives in Australia, on the beautiful north coast of New South Wales. She sits in her writing chair and looks out over the tranquil Pacific Ocean. She has fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming an author, and is producing books at a prolific rate.
She writes contemporary romance and loves telling the stories that always have a happily ever after. She lives with her very own hero of many years and they share their home with “Toby” the naughtiest dog in the universe, and Barney, the rag doll kitten, who hides when the grandchildren come to visit.
Hi Annie, I’m so excited to have you on my blog, and thank you so much for sharing your ‘Path to Publication’ experience with us all. I know so many of my readers will love to hear about how you went from an aspiring author to a published one, and many will gather inspiration from the journey!
Hi Maddison, it’s fabulous to be here. Thanks so much for inviting me!
- How long have you been writing for?
Ever since I walked into my first library when I was a very small child in Brisbane, the desire to write stories has consumed me. There is nothing like the feel and the smell of books and the crackling of the pages when you first open the cover knowing that an author is going to transport you to a world that you can lose yourself in for many hours. The dream was always there but I began writing in March 2011, so seven years exactly.
- How long did it take you from when you started writing, to when you became a published (or soon to be) published author?
I wrote my first book in a couple of weeks in April 2011…a novella Winter of the Passion Flower and was contracted in May a few weeks later. My first contemporary romance was written and contracted in December, the same year.
- Where do you write from, home, office, coffee shop, etc? And do you have any pre-writing or actual writing rituals (such as lighting a candle, listening to music, etc)?
I write at my desk looking at a blank wall in total silence.
- Are you a plotter, a pantser, or somewhere in-between?
I was initially an out and out panster, (or organic writer sounds much nicer) but I have moved closer to halfway over the past couple of years.
- What is your favourite part of the writing process?
I love edits. A good editor will see deeper and polish your structure. And point out those things that you thought you made clear, but are actually still in your head!
- What is the most important part of a novel to you: plot, characters, or setting?
Setting first— the beauty of our natural world has always evoked deep emotion in me: a sunset, a sunrise, a misty dawn, the breaking waves at the beach. I wanted to set stories in those beautiful and exotic settings. Secondly characters— I people-watch and make up stories in my head as I shop for groceries and pickup children… now grandchildren… from school.
- Describe your writing routine (how long do you spending plotting the novel, time spent writing, editing, submitting it):
The vague plotting starts in my head and works it way around for a few weeks. My five single title print books have been accepted on synopsis, and my writing schedule (being indie, digital and traditionally published) is always very busy so I find myself always writing to a tight deadline. I can usually write 110k in six to eight weeks. A shorter contemporary in about four weeks.
- How many books a year do you usually write (or are you aiming to write):
Since March 2011, and my first two contracts I have written thirty books.
This year I am aiming for seven books. Two single titles for Harlequin Mira, four longer contemporaries and a couple of shorter romances for my indie publishing. Ooh, I think that’s eight!
- How did you get your agent, or your publishing contract?
My first twenty books were either accepted or published by digital publishers in the United States, or self published by me; however my dream was always to see my books available for purchase in a bricks and mortar bookstore in Australia. Those first books were a way of honing my craft and flexing my writing muscles. I was very busy with editing deadlines and putting out four to five books a year, but my readership was predominantly in the United States, although the books are available in Australia. My dream was to write Australian stories for Australian readers and an author friend told me that Pan Macmillan were actively seeking new authors.
I had written five thousand words of my first ‘long’ story so I subbed it to the commissioning editor of Pan Macmillan a week or so before I left for a writing workshop in Tuscany in 2014. (Yes, my author life is wonderful!)
I was at Dubai airport waiting to transfer to a flight to Rome, when I received the email saying that the editor loved it and was taking it to an acquisitions meeting the next week.
To cut the wonderful long story short, I was in London meeting with editing clients when I received the email to say that Pan Macmillan were contracting my three book series on the first five thousand words of Book 1, Kakadu Sunset! That was a moment to cherish.
After that three book series was in print I decide that an agent would be a good idea. I signed with The Nash Agency, and they secured a two book deal with Harlequin Mira within the first week!
- How did you cope with rejection during the querying process?
Um. I didn’t ever get one.
- Describe the time when you got ‘the call’ regarding publication:
The first call for my novella came by email on the morning of a writers’ group meeting, so it was very exciting to take that news to lunch. We drank champagne that day!
- What were your biggest learning experiences or surprises throughout the publishing journey?
Some digital publishers can be very difficult to work for. They are often individuals working from their living rooms and calling themself a publisher. Technically they are, but ensure you do your homework. Don’t trust everyone to do the right thing, and read your contacts very carefully.
- Looking back, what do you think you did right that helped you break in?
I established my brand first. ‘Annie Seaton’ (my pen name) was popping up everywhere before my first book was released. I’ve had so many questions about establishing my brand, I have written a short nonfiction book on ‘how to’. You can find it on Amazon.
- Best advice you’ve ever been given, or have heard, about writing?
Be true to yourself and follow your heart. Don’t write to the market.
- Any advice for aspiring writers on writing and submitting?
Persevere and follow your dream. Learn your craft, hone and polish your words and if you can afford it, get professionally edited.
- What advice can you give to other writers on building a platform and gaining a readership base?
I did originally find Face book the best marketing tool, but times are changing. It is hard to predict what works so go wide on social media.
- What’s up next for you, and what are you working on now?
When I talk about it, I panic.
- I am currently a third of the way through my next single title, tentatively titled Undara Shadows for release in 2019.
- I am expecting content edits for Whitsunday Dawn (out in July 2018) in a couple of weeks.
- I am waiting for content edits any day for His Outback Temptation out in early May 2018
- I am planning the first book Her Outback Playboy in the Second Chance Bay series (release December 2018)
- I am also writing two sequels to add to my series, Follow Me for Love Across Time, (August 2108) and Beach Walk (June 2018) release for the Bondi Beach Love series
- How can people connect with you?
Many places… go wide!
They can connect with me through my website:
I can also be found on FB:
Or Twitter: And Instagram:
- Anything else you want to add?
For aspiring authors…Keep your passion for writing alive.
- Be a risk taker
- Make your stories character driven and not plot driven
- Learn about tropes and ensure you are following the formula for contemporary romance if that’s where you ant to be published
- Even before you are published, establish your author brand.
- Don’t give up, believe in yourself and keep submitting.
Thank you so much Annie for sharing your Path to Publication with us! What an awesome journey, with many more adventures to come. Good luck with your release of ‘Whitsunday Dawn’ – can’t wait to have a read 🙂
And for those of you who want to have a read of Annie’s new book ‘Whitsunday Dawn’, it’s scheduled for release on July 23, 2018.
‘Whitsunday Dawn’
When Olivia Sheridan arrives in the Whitsundays as spokesperson for big mining company Sheridan Corp, it should be a straightforward presentation to the town about their proposed project. But when a handsome local fisherman shows her what ecological impact the proposal will have, Olivia is forced to question her father’s motives in the project.
Struggling with newly divided loyalties, Olivia is thrown further into turmoil when she is mistaken for a woman who disappeared more than 60 years before. When it becomes clear that Captain Jay is also keeping secrets, Olivia realises that there is more to these sunshine-soaked islands than she ever expected.
Seeking to uncover the truth, Olivia is drawn into a dangerous game where powerful businessmen will stop at nothing to ensure their plan goes ahead, even if that means eliminating her…
Against the epic Far North Queensland landscape, this is the story of two women, separated by history, drawn to Whitsunday Island where their futures will be changed forever.
About Annie:
Annie lives in Australia, on the beautiful north coast of New South Wales. She sits in her writing chair and looks out over the tranquil Pacific Ocean. She has fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming an author, and is producing books at a prolific rate.
She writes contemporary romance and loves telling the stories that always have a happily ever after. She lives with her very own hero of many years and they share their home with “Toby” the naughtiest dog in the universe, and Barney, the rag doll kitten, who hides when the grandchildren come to visit.
Stay up to date with her latest releases at her website:
Author of the Year Ausrom Readers’ Choice 2014
Best Established Author Ausrom Readers’ Choice 2015
Finalist for Author of the Year, Book of the Year, Cover of the Year, Ausrom Readers’ Choice 2016
Best Established Author, Ausrom Readers’ Choice 2017
Shortlisted for Romantic Book of the Year 2016 (Kakadu Sunset)
Annie can be found on the following platforms:
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