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Interview with Joanne Dannon
Joanne’s Path to Publication
Today I chat with the amazing Joanne Dannon, a fellow Australian Author, who shares with us her Indie path to publication. Her novel ‘Kissing Under The Spotlight’ is book 1 in her Kissing Down Under series (previously titled, The Alex Jackson series, and the books were, Kissing under the Spotlight, Wanting Mr Right, Together At Last, Forever Mine. The book titles have changed but the book content hasn’t). Happy reading!
Multi published, award-winning Australian author, Joanne Dannon, writes to give her readers the experience she loves to savor–indulging in a sigh-worthy-happily-ever-after, being swept away from the everyday by diving into a delicious romance novel.
Joanne is a happily married mother of two heroes-in-training who loves spending time with friends and family. She can be found on Facebook and her website chatting about reading, writing, cooking, vintage-inspired dresses and all things romantic.
I’m super excited to have you on my blog, and thank you so much for sharing your ‘Path to Publication’ experience with us all. I know so many of my readers will love to hear about how you went from an aspiring author to a published one, and many will gather inspiration from the journey! So let’s get started:
- How long have you been writing for?
12 years
- How long did it take you from when you started writing, to when you became a published (or soon to be) published author?
9 years
- Where do you write from, home, office, coffee shop, etc? And do you have any pre-writing or actual writing rituals (such as lighting a candle, listening to music, etc)?
I write from home but once a week, go to a coffee shop to write.
- Are you a plotter, a pantser, or somewhere in-between?
- What is your favourite part of the writing process?
I like all of it – the plotting, the writing, even the editing 🙂
- What is the most important part of a novel to you: plot, characters, or setting?
The characters. I write contemporary romance that focuses on the journey of the hero and heroine coming together. It’s the characters that drive the story, not the plot or setting (for what I write).
- Describe your writing routine (how long do you spending plotting the novel, time spent writing, editing, submitting it):
I spent up to two weeks creating my characters and working out the GMC (Goal Motivation and Conflict). Once finalised, I start writing and that will take 2-6 weeks, depending on the length of the book. I write novellas that are 25K words and novels that are 50K words.
- How many books a year do you usually write (or are you aiming to write):
I write 4-6 books a year, and also run boxed sets, with author friends.
- How did you cope with rejection during the querying process?
Relied on the friendship and support of my author friends.
- Looking back, what do you think you did right that helped you break in?
Worked hard, didn’t compare my journey to others, and wrote good books.
- Is there anything you wish you could do differently?
I wish I’d learnt more about self-publishing before I hit the “upload” button.
- Best advice you’ve ever been given, or have heard, about writing?
The difference between a published and an unpublished author is that one didn’t give up.
- Any advice for aspiring writers on writing and submitting?
- Know that it’s not easy to write a book.
- Surround yourself with people who support you and want you to achieve (family and friends).
- Find your tribe! Spend time with like-minded artists like yourself.
- Keep writing.
- Remind yourself that overnight sensations take years of hard work to accomplish.
- Write what you love. Don’t write to market.
- Don’t let rejections stop you from writing.
- Learn your craft. Read “how-to” books, go to workshops and conferences.
- Find a writing partner or group who supports you, and wants you to do well.
- Read! As Stephen King says, “If you don’t have the time to read, you don’t have the time or the tools to write.”
- Every author’s road to publication is different. Don’t compare yourself with others.
- Keep writing (purposely added a second time).
- What advice can you give to other writers on building a platform and gaining a readership base?
It’s not easy to build a platform, create a brand and do marketing. Whether you’re traditionally published, self-published or hybrid, you need to be an advocate for your own brand. Don’t expect anyone else to do it for you. And, don’t wait till you’re published. Start now. It’s part of the writing process. Be active on social media, read and review books and share in others authors’ successes.
- What’s up next for you, and what are you working on now?
In August 2018, I’m launching “Kiss Me: An Asian hero boxed set” featuring my sweet romance, “An Unexpected Forever”. In November 2018, I’m launching “Romancing the Holidays” featuring my holiday romance, “Christmas Kisses, in London”. And additionally in November 2018 I’m launching a holiday set, “New York Romance”, with my talented author friend Charmaine Ross. I also have a new steamy series planned for 2019, revolving around a sexy rocker and his entourage.
- How can people connect with you?
All the links on connecting with me are on my website,
Thank you so much Joanne for sharing your Path to Publication with us! What an awesome journey, with many more adventures to come. I’ve learnt so much from reading about your experience in the Indie publishing world!
And for those of you who want to read Joanne’s wonderful book ‘Kissing Under the Spotlight’ just click on the pic below for more info.
Can a superstar singer croon his way into the heart of an ordinary girl?
Violet McKenzie is in serious trouble. Her BFF often joked that if the police found her mobile phone they’d either think she was married to Alex Jackson or she was his personal stalker. So when said superstar crooner offers her a contract to be his personal physical therapist she struggles not to kiss him right there and then.
But Violet is too sensible for that. She knows an international superstar like Alex, with more fans than Michael Bublé and Ed Sheeran combined, isn’t going to fall for a track-pants-wearing wallflower like her.
KISSING UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT is the first story in Joanne Dannon’s Kissing Down Under series. If you love romances with sigh-worthy endings, you’ll love this series with real men and women who find love when they least expect it.
Joanne can be found on the following platforms:
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