Some Exciting News to Share!

Hi Everyone,

I’m finally sharing my wonderful news (which most of you already know about by now): I have been signed another book deal with Entangled Publishing to write 4 more books for them!! Book 3 in the Saints & Scoundrels series, and another 3 books in a brand-new historical romance series have been contracted! And I have a wonderful new editor, Stacy Abrams, who is the Editorial Director of the Entangled Teen and Amara print line! I’m very excited to be working with Stacy, as I just adore so many of the books she’s edited. Fun times ahead for sure!

In other news I’m also working on a Christmas Novella, titled THE MISTLETOE MISTRESS!! And I’m having such fun withing this one – which I can’t wait to share with you all! It’s coming out in a boxed set with about thirty other author’s in early October this year! It’s going to be AWESOME!! Though, I better get back to writing it, as it’s due to my editor shortly… lol! 

Take care and talk soon 🙂
